
Alternative names: Maruti, Anjaniputra, Bayudara, Bausiwi, Guruputra Handayapati, Yudawisama, Kapiwara, Mayangkara, Haruta, Palwagaseta, Prabancana, Ramandayapati, Sanggana, Senggana, Suwiyuswa

Terms of address: Resi

Type: Animal

Origin: India

Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: A monkey from the Ramayana cycle that becomes a hermit sage in his older days. He becomes a source of advice for the Pandawa. Some sources have him as the son of Batara Guru. His death is described in the Madya cycle. He died defending Jayabaya (the grandson of [Parikesit]) against an attack by Kaladewa, from Selahuma. Kaladewa killed Anoman with a special weapon he obtained from Batari Durga.

Notes on the Indian retellings: Known as Hanuman in Ramayana, his name means "broken chin." He is believed to have broken his chin when he tried to "eat" the Sun as he mistook it for a fruit. He is the son of Vayu (Lord of the Wind) and the foster son of Kesari, who served under the Monkey King Sugriva's army force. His mother's name is Anjana.

Family relationships

Mother: Anjani

Father: Bayu

Consorts: Urangrayung

Offspring: Trihangga

G cluster_family_0 cluster_family_1 union_0 siblings_0 union_0->siblings_0 Anoman Anoman Anoman->union_0 Urangrayung Urangrayung Urangrayung->union_0 Trihangga Trihangga siblings_0->Trihangga union_1 siblings_1 union_1->siblings_1 Bayu Bayu Bayu->union_1 Anjani Anjani Anjani->union_1 siblings_1->Anoman

More information

Killed by: Kaladewa

Amulets and hierlooms: Aji Sepiangin, Aji Pameling, Aji Mundri

Takes the shape of: *Amonggati

Wanda: Naga, Barat, Racut, Cinde


Hardjowirogo, 1948. Sejarah Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 308-309
Purwadi, 2013. Mengenal Gambar Tokoh Wayang Purwa dan Keterangannya. Cendrawasih, Surakarta, p. 16.
Sudibyoprono, R.R., Suwandono, Dhanisworo, Mujiyono, 1991. Ensiklopedi Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 340-344.

Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Anoman

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