
Terms of address: Kala

Type: Demon

Origin: Java

Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: Younger brother of Jim Dhamdharat. He is a serambahan character (that is, he does not have a fixed puppet representation). He is given the honorific Kala, but he is actually a demon. There are no entries for this character in any of the consulted encyclopedias.

Notes on the Indian retellings: Not mentioned in the Indian Mahabharata.

Found in the follwing stories (lakon)

  1. Puntadewa_Wisudha

Family relationships

Siblings: Dhamdharat

G cluster_family_0 siblings_0 Ratmuka Ratmuka siblings_0->Ratmuka

More information

Takes the shape of: Arjuna

Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Ratmuka

Character Link weight
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