
Terms of address: Patih

Type: Human

Origin: India

Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: Son of Basudewa, born out of wedlock with [Ken_Sagopi], a dancer in the service of the court. Basudewa had two sons with her, Pragota and Udawa. She was then married to [Antagopa], a herder from Widarakandang who became Udawa's foster father. He is known as the patih of Kresna. He had to go through several challenges to marry [Antipati] and was assisted in this by Dewi [Larasati]. In the Bartayuda war, he fought alongside the Korawa, fulfilling a promise Kresna had made to Duryudana. However, in his heart he sided with the Pandawa and was therefore hardly active during combat. Udawa was killed in combat with [Arjunapati], from the Sriwedari kingdom, a place he attacked under the instructions of Kresna. Although this is the most common version in Java, there are alternative Sanskrit retellings of his death.

Notes on the Indian retellings: In most Indian retellings, Vasudeva is usually mentioned to have two wives, Devaki and Rohini. There is no mentioning of him having children out of wedlock.

Found in the follwing stories (lakon)

  1. Narayana_Kridha_Brata
  2. Bandung_Nagasewu
  3. Wahyu_Cakraningrat

Family relationships

Mother: Ken_Sagopi

Father: Basudewa

Consorts: Antipati

G cluster_family_0 cluster_family_1 union_0 Udawa Udawa Udawa->union_0 Antipati Antipati Antipati->union_0 union_1 siblings_1 union_1->siblings_1 Basudewa Basudewa Basudewa->union_1 Ken_Sagopi Ken_Sagopi Ken_Sagopi->union_1 siblings_1->Udawa

More information

Wanda: Jaran, Tandang


Hardjowirogo, 1948. Sejarah Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 151-152
H. Solichin, Suyanto, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, Sri Purwanto, 2017. Ensiklopedi Wayang Indonesia. Mitra Sarana Edukasi, Jakarta, pp. 123-124 (Vol. IX).
Heru S Sudjarwo, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, 2010. Rupa dan Karakter Wayang Purwa. Kakilangit Kencana, Jakarta, pp. 1106-1107.
Purwadi, 2013. Mengenal Gambar Tokoh Wayang Purwa dan Keterangannya. Cendrawasih, Surakarta, p. 254.
Sudibyoprono, R.R., Suwandono, Dhanisworo, Mujiyono, 1991. Ensiklopedi Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 549-550.

Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Udawa

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