
Terms of address: Prabu

Type: Human

Origin: India

Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: A central character in the Mahabharata. His sons and siblings all play major roles as well. He fathers Arya Udawa with [Ken_Sagupi] out of wedlock. He is impersonated by Gorawangsa, who then fathers Kangsa with Maerah.

Notes on the Indian retellings: Vasudeva is the biological father of Lord Krishna. His wife is Devaki, sister of the evil King Kamsa.

Family relationships

Father: Kuntiboja

Siblings: Kunti, Bismaka, Setyajid

Consorts: Mahindra, Maerah, Badrahini, Ken_Sagupi

Offspring: Kresna, Baladewa, Rara_Ireng, Udawa

G cluster_family_0 cluster_family_1 cluster_family_2 cluster_family_3 cluster_family_4 cluster_family_5 cluster_family_6 union_0 siblings_0 union_0->siblings_0 Basudewa Basudewa Basudewa->union_0 union_1 Basudewa->union_1 union_2 Basudewa->union_2 union_3 Basudewa->union_3 Mahindra Mahindra Mahindra->union_0 Kresna Kresna siblings_0->Kresna Baladewa Baladewa siblings_0->Baladewa Maerah Maerah Maerah->union_1 siblings_2 union_2->siblings_2 Badrahini Badrahini Badrahini->union_2 Rara_Ireng Rara_Ireng siblings_2->Rara_Ireng siblings_3 union_3->siblings_3 Ken_Sagupi Ken_Sagupi Ken_Sagupi->union_3 Udawa Udawa siblings_3->Udawa union_4 siblings_4 union_4->siblings_4 Kuntiboja Kuntiboja Kuntiboja->union_4 siblings_4->Basudewa union_5 siblings_5 union_5->siblings_5 Kurandapati Kurandapati Kurandapati->union_5 siblings_5->Maerah siblings_6 siblings_6->Badrahini

More information

Lived in: Mandura

Impersonated by: Gorawangsa


Purwadi, 2013. Mengenal Gambar Tokoh Wayang Purwa dan Keterangannya. Cendrawasih, Surakarta, p. 40.

Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Basudewa

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