Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: In the wayang world, Batara Wisnu is best known for his incarnations: Rama, [Arjuna_Sasrabahu], Kresna and Arjuna. Kresna is said to be Wisnu's incarnation as thinker and Arjuna is Wisnu's incarnation as agent. There are many other stories in the Mahabharata about smaller incarnations of Wisnu into animals or people in order to rectify a misdeed.
Notes on the Indian retellings: Vishnu is known as "The Preserver." He is the brother of Uma and the brother-in-law of Lord Shiva. He is famous for his Dasavatar (10 incarnations).
Amulets and hierlooms: Cakra, Cangkok_Wijayakusuma
Takes the shape of: _Tiger
H. Solichin, Suyanto, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, Sri Purwanto, 2017. Ensiklopedi Wayang Indonesia. Mitra Sarana Edukasi, Jakarta, pp. 247-252 (Vol. IX). Heru S Sudjarwo, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, 2010. Rupa dan Karakter Wayang Purwa. Kakilangit Kencana, Jakarta, pp. 208-213. Purwadi, 2013. Mengenal Gambar Tokoh Wayang Purwa dan Keterangannya. Cendrawasih, Surakarta, p. 265. Sudibyoprono, R.R., Suwandono, Dhanisworo, Mujiyono, 1991. Ensiklopedi Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 594-602.