Terms of address: Prabu
Type: Human
Origin: India
Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: Blind since birth. He was temporarily made the king of Astina, before the crown was passed on to his son Duryudana, the eldest of the 100 Korawa. He died at the end of the Baratayuda war. Upon learning the fate of his sons, he went to a forest and was killed in a fire, together with his wife and Kunti. An alternative version of his birth has him as the son of [Citragada].
Notes on the Indian retellings: Dhirtirashtra is the biological son of Veda Vyasa and Ambika. When Ambika saw Veda Vyasa, she was afraid of his appearance and she closed her eyes, causing Dhirtirashtra to be born blind. He ruled as the King of Hastinapur as Pandu gave up his crown and retired to the forest with his wives.
Mother: Ambika
Father: Abiyasa
Siblings: Pandu, Widura
Consorts: Gendari
Offspring: {100Korawa}
Amulets and hierlooms: Aji Lebursaketi
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