Alternative names: Buda_Kala_Kresna, Yudha_Kala_Kresna, Kunjana_Kresna
Terms of address: Prabu
Type: Raksasa
Origin: Java
Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: An ogre that attacks the heavens to steal Setyaboma. He is a descendant of Batara Wisnu. Narayana gets his name Kresna and the kingdom of Dwarawati from this ogre after defeating him.
Notes on the Indian retellings: Not mentioned in the Indian Mahabharata.
Hardjowirogo, 1948. Sejarah Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 346-347 H. Solichin, Suyanto, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, Sri Purwanto, 2017. Ensiklopedi Wayang Indonesia. Mitra Sarana Edukasi, Jakarta, pp. 176-177 (Vol. V). Sudibyoprono, R.R., Suwandono, Dhanisworo, Mujiyono, 1991. Ensiklopedi Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, p. 270.
Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Yuda_Kala_Kresna