
Alternative names: Sang_Hyang_Ismaya, Smarasanta, Janabadra, Badranaya

Terms of address: Kyai

Type: God

Origin: Java

Description in the Javanese wayang retellings: In a common story, Semar is another name for Sang Hyang Ismaya. He was born out of an egg created by [Sang_Hyang_Tunggal]. The eggshell became Sang Hyang Antaga (Togog), the egg white became Semar and the yolk became Sang Hyang Manikmaya (Batara Guru). But there are multiple versions, including records of Semar being the grandson of Ismaya, or an incarnation of the God, rather than Ismaya himself. He is the adviser and servant of the heroes, and the first person he ever accompanied was [Manumayasa], son of [Parikenan]. [Manumayasa] married [Kaniraras] and Semar married Kanastren. As a God, Semar/Ismaya had 10 children: [Bongkokan], [Siwah], [Kuwera], [Candra], [Mahyati], Yamadipati, Surya, Kamajaya, [Temboro], and [Darmastuti]. As Semar, he had Bagong, who was originally made from Semar's shadow. Later, he acknowledged Petruk and Gareng as his sons. Throughout the many stories where he appears, Semar is the voice of the common folk, a corrector of Gods and an adviser to noble characters.

Notes on the Indian retellings: Not mentioned in the Indian Mahabharata.

Family relationships

Mother: Rekatawati

Father: Sang_Hyang_Tunggal

Siblings: Togog, Guru

Consorts: Kanastren

G cluster_family_0 cluster_family_1 cluster_family_2 union_0 Semar Semar Semar->union_0 Kanastren Kanastren Kanastren->union_0 union_1 siblings_1 union_1->siblings_1 Sang_Hyang_Tunggal Sang_Hyang_Tunggal Sang_Hyang_Tunggal->union_1 Rekatawati Rekatawati Rekatawati->union_1 siblings_1->Semar siblings_2 siblings_2->Kanastren

More information

Wanda: Surakarta: Mega, Dumuk, Brebes, Gunuk, Miling; Yogyakarta: Miling, Dukun, Dunuk


Hardjowirogo, 1948. Sejarah Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 224-226
H. Solichin, Suyanto, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, Sri Purwanto, 2017. Ensiklopedi Wayang Indonesia. Mitra Sarana Edukasi, Jakarta, pp. 109-125 (Vol. VIII).
Heru S Sudjarwo, Sumari, Undung Wiyono, 2010. Rupa dan Karakter Wayang Purwa. Kakilangit Kencana, Jakarta, pp. 1026-1030.
Sudibyoprono, R.R., Suwandono, Dhanisworo, Mujiyono, 1991. Ensiklopedi Wayang Purwa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, pp. 469-470.

Characters in the same scene (adegan) as Semar

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